We often offer the parrots a few sips of what we're drinking. Beeps and Max will usually put their foot up to hold on to the glass, as though they're afraid we're teasing them and will pull the glass away. Before he offered some to Beeps, Thomas said, "Please don't put your foot in my smoothie, OK?" But Beeps didn't listen. The color wasn't the most appetizing, but we made this smoothie with frozen mango, banana, carrot juice, walnuts, and spinach (from our farmer). It was delicious!

Here is another meal we've made with vegetables from our farmer. Thomas had made pesto from basil leaves we purchased at the farmers' market last week. It was delicious! We used it as the sauce on the pizza. He's started making pizza crusts from scratch. The spinach on the pizza was also from our farmer. This is what it looked like before we baked it.
Last Friday was the first pickup of food from our CSA. That's where we pay a farmer in advance for weekly deliveries of produce. Every Friday into the fall, we pick up a box of fresh vegetables. The challenge is not to let any go to waste. Last week we got spinach, cilantro, greens, and a little broccoli. We've eaten most of it, but have a little spinach yet to eat.
We've also been frequenting the farmers' market in our town on Wednesdays, so we've been eating a lot of fresh, locally-grown produce. Thomas told me to get 2 pounds of rhubarb for a recipe he wanted to try, but I thought he said 4 pounds, so now I have to find a way to use up the rest!
Is it hard to plan meals around the veggies when you don't know what you'll be getting?
We got a brochure in the beginning listing what they thought we'd get during the summer, so we have some idea of what we're getting, when.
But it's definitely making us more flexible with our meals! We pick up the vegetables on Friday, so at least we have the weekend to plan and get any extra ingredients for recipes we might need.
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