Last night, Thomas was preparing portobello mushrooms for dinner. Max came over to investigate. I grabbed my camera, but was surprised by the picture I took:

In between when I saw the scene and when I took the picture, Stella had run Max off of the counter and started investigating the mushrooms herself! Then, she flew off and landed on Max's place on the stand! She's never perched up here before. That's Max's spot.

Stella usually perches on the second level. We're going to have to closely watch things to make sure that Max is handling her new position in the flock OK. So far, she seems to be taking things in stride. I must admit I'm happy to see that Stella has the confidence to make such moves!
I've mentioned before that the normal breakfast routine is for Thomas to place his mostly-empty cereal bowl on the counter. That's Max's signal to go over and get some leftover cereal pieces and soy milk. She knows to wait for this and therefore doesn't bother Thomas when he's trying to eat. Today, someone beat her to the bowl:

Max couldn't believe what she saw! She was creeping over towards the bowl, but seemed afraid to even try to run Stella off.

Thomas felt bad for Max, so he had Stella step up and he held her for a few minutes so Max could eat:

These guys fascinate me every day!
Hope everyone has a good, long weekend! It's supposed to be beautiful here, so I'm hoping to get in a fair amount of hiking.
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