Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I usually don't show too many pictures of the lizards, as they are not too exciting. In fact, I haven't seen Andreas in over a week since he comes out when I'm at work and is in his hide box when I'm home. Elsa is out and moving around much more frequently. Here she is, tunneling under a wood formation we have in her tank:
I'm leaving you with what might be considered parrot porn. I have spoken with some of my parrot-owning friends, and many of them have birds that love their feet. Rocky falls into this category! Apparently there is something exciting about Thomas's feet. I certainly don't see it! But when Thomas is not wearing shoes, Rocky runs over, preens his feet, and often starts regurgitating to them. On more than one occasion, he has ended up with warm, partially-digested food on his foot (but better that than in his mouth -- that's happened as well!)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Here's a picture of Max, caught in mid nose pick (or would that be nares pick?) It's from a few months ago, but I never found the right occasion to put up such a classy picture before.
I have started reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, partly in preparation for our Prague trip (much of the story takes place in Central Europe, from what I understand). So far, so good, but a little scary to read when I'm home alone at night!
I should have my camera back for tomorrow, so I'll leave this one short and hope to post some new pictures soon!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Beeps came into our house about one year ago -- the end of September, 2006. As I've mentioned before, he is supposed to have bit his previous owner so badly she had to go to the ER (I must say, I have a hard time believing that as he has bitten us a few times and it wasn't that bad). All we've seen out of him is a loving, inquisitive, intelligent caique. He is so expressive and wonderful, and I can't imagine our lives without him!
Here he is on his stand:
Doesn't he just look like he's posing; the way he has his left leg lifted? I had removed the tray portion of this stand so that I could wash it. Of course, he had to go down and investigate why it looked so strange!
We now have more stands than parrots. We used to have one stand in the kitchen, and Max and Calypso had to share. This wasn't working, so we purchased another, identical stand. Less than a month later, we took Rocky in, so we purchased the small stand that Beeps is on in this picture. Less than a month after that, we ended up taking Beeps home. We decided that since our house was full, we'd better not buy any more stands! And it seems to have worked since it's been a year since we've added anyone to our flock. Speaking of stands, here is Max on Daphne's stand. This is was too small for an african grey, but she must like the swinging sensation, and not mind that the whole stand tips over under her weight! You can see she's even perched resting on one foot!
I don't mention my budgie, Daphne, often enough on this blog. Probably because she is so well-mannered and doesn't cause me problems! She is a huge toy player, and her cage is packed with toys. Here is a little video of Daphne playing with toys inside her cage.
Monday, September 24, 2007
And then to actually capture the red winged blackbird in flight! In an earlier entry, I think I mentioned that Max had a red winged blackbird "friend" at our old house -- they would call back and forth to each other through the window.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Beeps absolutely hates it when anyone tries to clean the house. He particularly hates sweeping, but is not fond of any cleaning activities. I like to use this excuse when my house isn't up to par :)
And look at him -- he is saying, "I am so adorable, you can't possibly be talking about me!" Oh yes, I am!
I was unable to get any pictures of this, but last night the parrots were on their stands in the kitchen and I was making dinner. Thomas grabbed the broom and started to sweep the kitchen. I told him he'd better hide the broom and put Beeps in his cage, or wait until the parrots were back in the living room. Even though this has happened before, he laughed me off!
As he made a pass by Beeps's stand, Beeps jumped off and landed on the small of Thomas's back (he was shirtless at the time). All of a sudden, he starts dancing around the room and screaming, "Get him off! He's trying to paralyze me!" Beeps was biting him at the spot of his spinal cord. Luckily, he did not go very deep and Thomas was ultimately ok. He refused to let me take a picture of the beak marks on his back.
I am so careful around Beeps with cleaning and technology -- hopefully Thomas will start taking this more seriously as well!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Here is a picture of Rocky's naughtiness. You can see that the cockatiels' travel cage is right next to the couch. Rocky sees this as an invitation to go on the couch whenever he wants to. At least he is not destructive! We think he does this because he is very needy and knows he gets attention when he goes places he's not supposed to be.
And here she is with a huge piece of cheese. Can you believe her? We had cut up some cheese to eat cheese and crackers as an appetizer. As soon as one of us was a suitable distance away from the cheese, she flew over there and started helping herself! I apologize for the poor picture quality, but she was perched on my hand and I was unzipping my camera from its camera bag and trying to take the picture, all while thwarting her from eating this cheese. I did win, by the way, although she took a few small bites. I still cannot get over how much cheese she wanted to eat! When I use cheese for treats, she gets maybe 1/20 of what she's currently holding.
All of these pictures were taken last night! Thomas and I were joking that if you went by Max's actions last night, and her desperate forage for food around our house, you'd think we starved her.
I think I've mentioned before that Max will sometimes hang out in the kitchen by herself at night while all of the rest of the house's inhabitants are in the living room. We listen to make sure she stays on her stand and check on her every 15 minutes or so. Earlier this week, I went to check on her and found that she had just started eating a stick of butter that had been left out. Luckily she hadn't eaten much before I stopped her. I didn't get a picture of this as I was more concerned about her not eating the butter. Apparently she didn't get the memo about how parrots shouldn't eat a lot of dairy!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I couldn't find Beeps the other day, and here he was, hiding in Thomas's shirt. He stuck his head out when he heard me calling his name; until then he was just a little bump on Thomas's chest.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
- ballerina (turns around)
- philosopher (scratches the base of her head as a "think" motion)
- greeter (waves, which is fast up and down movement of extended foot)
- security guard (lifts up her wings)
- crossing guard (holds her foot up with toes extended)
- boxer (punches out her foot into a ball)
- bait shop owner (turns her head to listen for worms) This is what she's doing in the above picture
We have so much fun with this little game, and it provides us with almost endless tricks that she can learn. Right now she is working on perfecting taking a bow and then I'll ask her if she wants to be an actress. I never know what she's going to learn next as it depends on what she decides to do during training and what I reinforce.
Here is Beeps, ripping up the real estate section that was lining the bottom of his stand. He was doing this amazingly cute dance that I was trying to catch on video. However, as soon as he sees me with the camera lately, he runs to whatever newspaper is handy and starts ripping it up. I thought this was a funny picture since the real estate market isn't exactly what it used to be, and he seems to be sending that message :)
As an aside, we've been working with Beeps on his flying. He is really good at navigating around corners, etc., but very bad at landing. In the past, his landing method was to crash into a wall and then tumble down to the ground. We were actually thinking that we were going to have to give him a light clip so that we could work on landing, but in the last week or so, he really seems to have gotten it. We're still working on this, and also on him flying with volition instead of just staying where he is and beeping until someone brings him where he wants to go.
Of course Andreas also got a soaking. His molt is really progressing. If you look at pictures of them when we first got them, they barely look like the same lizards. You can see that he still needs to molt out skin on his legs and the lower portion of his tail. Apparently this may take several molts to occur.
Monday, September 10, 2007
I didn't take many pictures over the weekend, but I had to get a picture of this. The cockatiels were hanging on top of their cage. Rocky must have noticed a little cookie that they had in their seed dish, so he went inside of their cage to eat it! You can see the size of the door in this picture -- he can barely fit in there!
This temporary cockatiel cage is actually bigger than the cage he spent the first 19 years of his life, so maybe he felt at home? After he finished the cookie, he came out and started wandering around to forage for more food that the other parrots had dropped.