Then, she flew over to the sink where I was preparing dinner and proceeded to hang out on the dishrack.
Thomas's rotation this month is in geriatric medicine. In order to give him an understanding of what it's like for older people that have to take a multitude of pills, they gave him a pill sorter box filled with, get this, candy! I think it would have been more realistic had they filled it with placebos he had to swallow. In any case, since I am a huge candy fiend, he gave this to me, and I am trying not to eat too much!
Max tried, unsuccessfully, to get in the action. The last thing I need is for her to get all hyped up on sugar -- she has enough energy as it is!
I have several pill sorters like that, from one row to fours rows, but I have never considered giving the smaller ones I don't use anymore to the parrots, but I bet Frank would love one!
You can buy those at Wal-Mart or any drug store or probably grocery store. I'd never thought about it, but they would make good toys for nosey parrots.
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