Usually, Beeps flies only to the stands, to the couch, or he stays on his cage. Last night, he climbed down off of his cage and walked over to the blanket we have in front of the door, where he proceeded to play for about 15 minutes. Rocky often plays over here, and Beeps has a view of this area from his cage, so I'm assuming he decided to do this after watching Rocky.
On Saturday I ran a 10K, and set a personal record! I didn't stick around for the awards ceremony since a huge thunderstorm came through as I was finishing up; I'm hoping they'll mail my age division award to me. Sunday was a 20K on the trails. An hour before the race I contemplated not running since it was pouring rain, but it let up just before the race started and stayed clear (but humid) while I ran. Since it was on the trails, and it had been raining pretty much non stop for a week, there was a lot of mud; I was covered waist-down in mud from the splashing. Also, there were at least 20 times when I had to run in cold water puddles that went up to my ankles or higher. I was so happy to get home and shower!
As always, the weekend just flew by. I hardly took any pictures of the parrots! I did spend some time up at the rescue and fell in love with a few more birds. I just don't understand how some of these parrots are still up for adoption and haven't found homes yet. There are quite a few up there that I'd love to take home, but as I've said so many times, we are at our limit!
In particular, there is a grey that has the best personality! But he's plucked. That shouldn't matter, but it does. A fully feathered grey will almost always get adopted before a plucked one, even if the plucked one has a better personality. And this guy is fantastic. He dances, sings, and says funny things in appropriate situations. So intelligent; I can just imagine the tricks he'd be able to learn! I'm hoping good things are worth the wait and the perfect home will come along for him shortly.
1 comment:
Good for you on your races! What is your routine for keeping motivated during the winter months when it's too cold, dark & dreary? Couch potatoes want to know! :)
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