In any case, this is what he's done to his foot:
Wednesday night/Thursday morning, he woke us up at 3 in the morning by thrashing around his cage. I went downstairs to see what the problem was to find a caique with blood on his beak, white chest, and toe. (By the way, here is a link to a discussion on mutilation by a vet -- highly recommended reading if your bird is mutilating).
When we went through this a few years ago, he had a very thorough vet visit done and nothing was found to be the physical cause of the mutilation. He healed up, and as I said earlier, we thought this problem was behind us.
Fast forward to today. He's recently had a full vet visit and clean bill of health; however, if he's still mutilating next week, he'll be going back to the vet. The reason we didn't take him immediately to the vet is that we've been through this before and we don't want to cause him additional stress in case it goes away on its own, like last time. However, if your bird is mutilating for the first time, please take him/her to the vet immediately.
Also, the mutilation is not severe. Here he is yesterday, holding a clementine with his bad foot:
The system we worked out with our vet last time is that he seems to settle down when placed in an incubator. Here's what we use, nicknamed the Hot Box (which always leads to singing songs from Guys and Dolls):
Already, he seems to be getting better. He didn't pick at his foot at all this morning during breakfast, whereas he'd been picking at it regularly Thursday morning.
It just breaks my heart that he has to live in captivity.
Awww! I'm sorry for your little caique! I am always so worried that my birds will become pickers at some point. I understand how stressful and upsetting it is for you guys.
My Charli has been picking at the feathers above her legs and on her legs. She only seems to do it during hormone season, poor baby, and I've not found a way to stop it. She's healthy according to her most recent well-bird exam.
I was very stressed when Max plucked; I think it's because it was our first experience with it, plus we'd gotten her as a baby, so I felt like a failure.
However, with the others, I don't feel so personally responsible since they were adults when we got them. I still wish they wouldn't, and do everything I can to make it stop, but it's not as hard on me as Max's was. There were many sleepless nights involved with her plucking!
The mutilation is somewhat of a different story, though it looks like he's well on his way to recovery again.
Thanks for the comments!
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