In my post from a few days ago, I showed an example of Rocky getting involved in the packaging. Although neither Max nor Beeps were interested in doing that, they did enjoy playing with some of the other packaging. They were each on a stand, so I put a crumpled piece of paper for them to enjoy; both took advantage.
Here's Max:
What I love about this video is that Beeps is so involved with attacking the paper that he lets go and falls to the ground.
Here, he's holding the sheet of paper up so he can attack it. This was rather heavy paper; it had to be a sizable percentage of his body weight!
And then a few more nosy Max pictures. Anything on the counter she deems resembles food is fair game for her to investigate. Here are but a few from the past few days.
Dried black beans:
Also, notice how she has her left foot on the lip of my bowl. I think she does that as a way to ensure I don't take it away from her, but I could be reading too much into things. Whenever she does this, I think of a line from my favorite TV show, Arrested Development, when the matriarch says, "If I wanted something your thumb touched, I'd eat the inside of your ear." Thanks, Max. Who knows where your feet have been?
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