In this video, you can see how the right side of the tank is pretty much empty, and how they all come over when they realize it's feeding time. There are two smaller fish -- in the beginning, one is in the upper center part of the frame and towards the end, one is at the bottom right -- those are the babies that hatched in the tank earlier in the year.
On the cooking front, of which I've also been remiss on the blog lately, Thomas made granola yesterday. It is quite delicious! I think we'll be trying many different variations of this in the months to come:
Since it was so cold and icy and we were pretty much stuck inside all day, I also made some banana bread and banana muffins (had a bunch of old bananas to use!)
I couldn't believe how icy it was! I tried running with my group of friends for our weekly run; every single one of us almost slipped exiting our cars, so we drove to a local indoor track instead and ran there. The scenery left much to be desired, but at least we didn't break any bones! Upon returning home, I found that my car could not make it into the garage due to the ice -- my wheels just kept spinning. So I parked my car on the side of the road and tried to walk up the driveway -- I couldn't make it and kept sliding down! Our driveway is not that steep, either. I finally made it home by walking on the snow instead.
The parrots did not have to worry about the weather, confined as they are to our house.
Rocky was the only one I photographed over the weekend. When he gets in the hallway by the bathroom, he will bite even Thomas if he tried to have him step up. He didn't have a stick nearby, so he scooped Rocky into his arm, thereby avoiding a bite:
One of my cockatiels hates my toes -- and a lot of cockatiels sing to their humans' toes.
Who knows what goes on in the mind of a parrot!
I hear you! Rocky is obsessed with feet; everyone else in the house ignores them.
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