As often as possible, we try to oblige her, as a way to encourage her to talk more, and to show her that her words have consequences.
My friend's dog gave the parrots a Christmas present of parrot pellets. When Max saw me walk in with the package, she immediately started saying, "want some!"
Here she is, exploring the present:
Just as with many kids who prefer playing with the wrapping paper to the toy inside, Max then turned her attention to the ribbon that had closed the package:
She proved me wrong, as she ate a few bites from the tablet. I had to post this picture when I saw the dust streaming out of her beak. She quickly dropped the tablet on the ground, mostly intact, so I don't think she ingested very much. As a rule, parrots should not be given calcium tablets, unless directed to do so by a vet.
I think she thought it was juice, but Max really wanted some, or at least that's what her words and actions told me. I told her she absolutely could not have any, so she started throwing a fit. Luckily my camera was ready. I did intervene with my hand a few times to make sure she didn't tip it over.
Maybe Max was telling you that she needed more calcium in her diet? I recently learned that Greys need more calcium in their diet than other parrots (you probably know this already).
I hope you and your flock had a nice Christmas and Happy New Year!! :)
It would be cute to get video of her saying that.
Mallow -- I was thinking the same thing. Her calcium levels were fine at her last vet check, but who knows? I hope that you had a great holiday season as well! Work's been busy, so haven't had the chance to read blogs as normal -- whould get caught up soon!
Doodlebird -- I am trying! I can't tell you how many times I've taken out the camera after a big "want some!" spree, only to be met with silence and an upturned foot, begging to be picked up. Cheeky!
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