So much for baseball. The parrots were extremely disappointed that the Phillies did not win the National League pennant. They will be boycotting the World Series. Maybe next year, though the way things have steadily declined since 2008, no one is holding their breath.
Stella has developed a love of blueberries. Every morning, Thomas makes us fruit smoothies, including frozen blueberries. One day he left the bowl of frozen fruit unattended, and he returned to find Stella taking bites out of the berries! She prefers them thawed, so he now thaws her two berries every morning:
I ran a 10K race this weekend -- a personal best, though this was only my second 10K, so it's not like I had a lot of times to beat! Unfortunately, there was a problem with the scoring which resulted in my time not being listed in the official results! I contacted the race director, who was able to fix things (the next day). Sadly, I did not get my age group award as it had already been distributed to the woman who came in several places after me :( I guess I'll have to buy my own award.
Next week is a 15K -- likely my last race of the year. However, this race has a ton of participants, so I will not place in my age division.
We were able to get a bit of birding in, and spent quite a long time following a red-bellied woodpecker around a forest clearing. Thomas also lost his binocular covers -- not sure if we can somehow make/buy a replacement? We did try to locate them in the forest, unsuccessfully.
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