As I've observed over the past few weeks, Stella is obsessed with basil! Here she is with this week's take from the farmers' market:

Thomas had chopped up a bunch of summer squash for last night's dinner. He'd placed a bowl on the counter and asked if I'd distribute it to the parrots. Max took care of some of that herself:

Though much of what she did involved throwing pieces of squash off of the counter and on to the ground. I believe she ate some, but I'm not sure how much!

A parrot perching with one foot up is relaxed, but this had to be about the laziest one foot up I've ever seen:

If you look at Steve's
picture from yesterday, you can barely see his talons. Stella's foot is barely off of the ground!
This morning, the greys were perched on their stand (that's Calypso in the background on the other stand). Max was eating a pellet, so pellet crumbles were raining down on Stella. You'd think she'd have flown off, but instead just kept shaking the pellet crumbs off of her. It kind of looked like she was taking a dust bath (shower?)
I took this picture right after Max finished her pellet, and she's actually doing a quite lazy one foot up herself. Stella is still slightly crouched down, prepared for pellet crumbs to hit her.

Short Steve update: I showered with Max, Stella, and Calypso this morning. I left Steve's cage door open -- I really want him to see the world without bars obstructing his view and get used to us moving around without the cage to protect him. When I entered the kitchen after showering, he was hanging out with his head outside of the cage! He was upside down, hanging off the top of his cage, near his cage door opening. He looked like he was contemplating coming out and perching on his cage door, but my presence seemed to scare him a bit, so he retreated back into his cage.
Still, I am pleased with this progress. He's got about a month left with us until he goes to his forever home, and I'm really hoping he chooses to come out of his cage before then!
I love hearing about Steve's progress. I rescued a cagebound TAG, Timothy and have been working with him on coming out of his cage. Today, I opened his little door that houses his food dish and he came to the opening and sat there for awhile. The next thing I knew he was climbing down the bars to reach me seated next to his cage! I scratched his head for ten minutes before he scurried back up to his little door and retreated back into his cage.
YEAH FOR TIMOTHY AND STEVE!!! Great progress boys!
Michelle -- that is great news for Timothy!!!
You really do need a lot of patience to work with a cagebound grey, but the progress makes it worth it.
Great job!!!
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